Indie Bands Benefit From Billboard’s New Rules

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I want to discuss Indie Bands and Indie Artists regarding what is now more than well-implented into the fabric of the Music Industry’s

Indie Bands
Indie Bands Now Benefit From Billboard’s New Rules. Here’s why.

music unit sales accounting formula (thanks to Nielsen SoundScan and Billboard Magazine), and how these new implementations and modes of counting in regard to what constitutes a music sale is benefiting aspiring Recording Artists and bands more than ever. From my very first article published on (formerly, but now:, my vision was not unlike that of a leveled playing field where releasing music was not about nepotism or elitism, but rather a soon-to-be (albeit, long overdue) revolutionary unification where Artists were Artists, good music was good music, and ALL deserved a chance to be heard. Are we truly there yet? Hell no! We still have quite a ways to go. But things are looking up, and Sound Scan and Billboard’s new accounting formulas are further proof of this revolutionary shift that can favor aspiring Recording Artists and Indie Bands, regardless of whether this change in accounting meant to intentionally benefit aspiring musical talent or whether it was just a lucky byproduct of a carefully executed plan to financially save a financially struggling Music Industry. Yeah, we all know the true answer to this one.

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Here are some quick facts of these changes to Sound Scan and Billboard’s new accounting rules regarding what constitutes a sale.  (Btw, say what one might say about Tidal, they’re letting you in, too, which is further testament of this revolutionary trend).


There are paid streams, paid listens, and purchased mp3’s and/or complete mp3 albums.  Singles, more than ever, are the way to go for Aspiring Artists and Musicians, and this new accounting formula clearly favors the new or unknown.  Why?  Because releasing a Single as an Indie Band, Solo Artist, or Songwriter is far cheaper, an album isn’t necessary, a Single can be tested before releasing an entire album, and now, it’s possible to create this release without creating any inventory/physical units.  For every 10 Singles you sell, it gets reported as a full album sale.  Extremely well-known, “household name” Artists who still release 15-17 song Albums are still only getting credit for one Album sale.  You only had to sell 10 mp3’s.  Factor in the intricate mathematics involved in the way paid streams, paid listens, and paid mp3 purchases add up to full Album sales, and you’re not only looking at more money and sales credits, but you’re also looking at the potential for far better industry notoriety as Sound Scan tracks the various digital deliveries of your music.  With streaming music, you can get credit even if someone doesn’t finish listening to the song or passes on it.  Indie Bands and Artists now gain greater potential and earnings, as a result.

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We are in a music industry climate that is favoring the Indie Bands, Solo Artists, and all Newbies more and more these days; and many of the old time legends are not keeping up with these new industry trends.  This is an entirely different industry model ALTOGETHER, and a real “shell shock” to those who played and prospered before the change.  Push your music, even just one song you believe in, more than ever!  After all, the climate and the odds are, more than ever, in your favor.  Yes, even if you are an Indie Band or Indie Solo Artist or Songwriter, you are actually at an advantage IF you stay SELF-DISCIPLINED and follow the rules of this lesson.


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