How Musicians Dress: Halloween Should Be A “Daily Task” For Musicians and Artists.

How Musicians Dress.
How musicians dress is a HUGE part that determines their image. This article will discuss the importance of your image, and the secret you should follow.

I hope everybody had a brilliant time over the Halloween weekend.  No, I’m not here to tell you how musicians dress because you’re all artists and already know how.  But do you(?)

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I’m here to remind you that, regardless of whether or not you got dressed up for the holiday, you’ve got to remember that your costume, or “persona” is that of a ROCK STAR (or Songwriter, or Opera Singer, or however you happen to identify yourself musically), EVERY DAY of the year. It’s time to learn to promote your music along with your image. Most people already know that Halloween costumes (or any costume for that matter) can take the most (typically) conservative person and transform his/her behavior into something else entirely. Isn’t that fantastic? That’s the beauty of the costume. As I have alluded to a multitute of times in this blog, your daily music promotion tasks should be automated and, for the purpose of this article, so should your “costume,” (which should take many forms).

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My point is that the very nature of how musicians dress and YOUR music performance should be regarded as a HUGE “Act.” Even though your music, of course, comes from your heart, you “must look the part!  Your “Act” (or your “costume”) is that of a FULL-TIME JOB (and not just for one silly holiday). This DOES NOT mean that you shouldn’t conduct yourself like a business professional when you’re not on the stage, though I will say that, in terms of music promotion combined with how musicians dress, the FULL ASPECT of your job is to be “in character.” If you don’t think, believe, and behave like a performer (like your “costume”) on a daily basis, how can you expect anybody else to believe in you or your mission, let alone take your mission seriously? If you feel like a little kid playing dress-up with your music and your image, don’t be discouraged. In fact, I highly recommend experimenting with what seems to “fit” and “feel right” as much as you possibly can. In terms of music promotion, if you’re not out there pushing your material (ideally, one to two tasks daily), nothing will happen; and that’s more frightening than the scariest of ALL Halloween holidays in history, combined.

More to come.

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